Food sensitivities are sometimes termed delayed food allergies. This is because they produce symptoms 45 minutes to 3 days after eating the offending food. Food sensitivities produce the same inflammation as food allergies or environmental allergies but over a longer period of time. Most people dealing with food sensitivity issues may have 20 foods and chemicals they are sensitive to out of 150.
Many food sensitive folks are eating the same foods everyday and increasing the amount of inflammation from over time. What symptoms food sensitivities cause depends on your particular body and its strengths and weaknesses. For example two people get sick from the same virus. One person has a sinus cold and the other a dry cough.
Why did they get different symptoms from the same virus? Because it went were the body is weakest. This is the same with food sensitivities. A food sensitivity is an over-reaction of the immune system to a particular food. The immune system attacks the specific food and releases inflammation because it thinks it will hurt you. As in the case of a virus our body attacks it and you get better.
The proper way to address the food sensitivities is to focus on which foods the body is not attacking. After 2-3 months of avoiding the food sensitivities we can reintroduce them without causing inflammation. This is very different than a food allergy which often means lifetime avoidance.